Wedding Vows
/I couldn't be more excited to share this set of photos with the world because...
a) I can't get enough Carolann's photography... I mean, these are just absolutely beautiful photos and I couldn't be more thankful for such a talented friend.
b) These are perhaps the most beautifully written vows I have ever heard. Our good friends Kelly & John Coleman got married about 3 months after us. At our wedding, I was determined to have the shortest possible ceremony which meant short traditional vows that required no thought... but oh how I absolutely adore the Coleman vows which they wrote themselves and spoke before the (quite large) crowd of family and friends who attended their wedding. They are a perfectly worded description of a biblical marriage that brings glory to God. What a great thing to share with their wedding guests.
I am encouraged and challenged in my own marriage by these words.
(You can click on the images to make them a bit bigger if you'd like to read them!)