In The Office | 8.16
/Once about every 6 months or so, I go through the painstaking task of cleaning up the endless piles of paper, ink spilled scratch sheets, and empty amazon boxes in my office. It's a full day affair and the result is usually glorious! I can see just about every inch of my desktop and even actually use it!
I went through this process last month to get the office ready for a shoot with San Antonio Magazine (check it out here) and so naturally Carolann pulled out her camera to capture this rare state! And what style office shoot can take place without a baby in my lap. E loves to sit on my lap when I'm at my desk, usually because I give her a paintbrush or pen of some sort to entertain her. I love her so much!
Enjoy a look into my creative space!
Bouquet by The Green Room Floral.
Photos by Carolann Morgan Photography