Around Our Home

We've been up to a lot around the house lately! With the new baby arriving in a couple of weeks, we thought it would be a great time to tear down part of our house and rebuild it... of course. Here are a few snapshots documenting our progress! Eleanor has more personality than ever and LOVES being in front of the camera... see photos for evidence. We have had so much help on this home from day one we could not have gotten this far without some really incredible friends and family.

Praying that baby stays in a bit longer so we can finish this thing up!

Standing in our future bedroom!

Standing in our future bedroom!

And guys, let me tell you about my man. He has worked his butt off to get us to where we are now and I've never been more thankful for him and his character. He never complains, he just puts his head down and works. Those two men in the photo above could accomplish anything together, I'm sure of it.

And as always, thanks Carolann for the photos! (she saw me trying to snap a few with my phone and wasn't having it... what would we do without her?)