Weekend Getaway (Pt. 2)
/It's Friday! But it feels like a Wednesday here in the Farnsworth house. Our weekend begins Monday. Hooray for odd work schedules!
I have some more pictures to share with you from our road trip last weekend. After leaving Palo Duro Canyon, we headed for Santa Fe and then on to Big Bend National Park from there. I did not take any good photos in Santa Fe because I was so infatuated with the architecture and sights all around me. It was my first time there and I am already dying to go back.
On our trip from Santa Fe to Big Bend, we stopped in Pecos, NM for Todd to do a bit of fly fishing in the VERY icy Pecos River.
We got into Big Bend pretty late so we headed straight for our unexpectedly super remote campsite where we car camped. We were treated in the morning to the most beautiful sunset as we sat surrounded by mountains. It was well worth the hour long backroad to get there.
We met up with our friends, John and Kelly, and enjoyed some breakfast tacos before John set out to get some work done. I was quite excited at the opportunity to watch him work. He is an incredible sketch artist and painter and they have named 2014 the Coleman Art Year. I highly recommend following him on his journey here. He has begun practicing plein air painting in which you capture a brief moment of sunlight outdoors and then take the piece back to the studio to finish up details later. He had quite the scenery to choose from and we got the chance to see a few beautiful landscapes transferred to canvas. It was lovely.
The end the trip we jumped in the hot springs situated on the edge of the Rio Grande and enjoyed the view of Mexico. One hundred trips to Big Bend in a year still wouldn't be enough to take it all in.
Hope your weekend is filled with beautiful weather. San Antonio is shining today!