March Desktop

Happy March! 

The sun is beginning to come around more and I have the perfect desktop to celebrate her arrival! A very talented friend of mine, Jordan Vonderhaar, has been taking photos for quite some time. He has lived in Colorado, working as a backpacking guide for multiple summers in a row. He makes a point to go back regularly as well as take trips to as many beautiful places he can find. The result is a wealth of gorgeous landscape photos and knowledge of landscape photography.

After far too long, he finally decided to give the world the opportunity to buy his prints on his website. (It's about time, Jordan) We recently added one to our gallery wall and it couldn't have been a more perfect addition! I love that everything on our gallery wall holds such meaning. 

All that to say, I teamed up with Jordan to create a free desktop download for all who would like it! To get the wallpaper, click the image above and save the full resolution file to your computer.



Below is the desktop in a smaller version (1280 x 800 pixels). Click the image and save the full size resolution to get this wallpaper! Enjoy!